Government Services

e-discovery Services is proud to offer Government contracting officers & government agencies with services in the following NAICS codes:

  • 518210 Data Processing Hosting and related services
  • 541199 All other legal services

Sin# Information:

  • 51 506
    Document Conversion Services. The process of document conversion involves state-of-the-art scanning of the original document’s text and graphic image into digital data, which is then transferred to a new media and formatted for use in a document imaging and storage system. Comprehensive DCS are used to transfer text and graphic images in existing documents (e.g., correspondence, files, technical manuals, land records, charts, engineering drawings, legal instruments, etc.) in whatever media they currently exist (e.g., paper, aperture cards, microfiche, microfilm, roll film, etc.) onto a new delivery/ storage media (e.g., CD-ROM disks, 4mm/8mm magnetic tape, magnetic storage disks, aperture cards, microfiche, microfilm, roll film, etc.) in any required format (e.g., raster images, ASCII text, SGML tagged for electronic distribution or publishing, PDF image files, etc.) required for use in a document imaging and storage system. Customized coding and indexing options are also available as part of the document conversion process.
  • 51 508
    Litigation Support Services: Provides professional and nonprofessional services support in the area of managing legal documents. These types of Support Services include but are not limited to document preparations, organizing, copying materials, files, coding and, scanning, indexing, database development, document analysis, software and systems support.

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